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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Twitterdom vs. Wisdom?

“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers”
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Twitterdom vs. Wisdom?
Dan Miller

While attending a funeral recently, I glanced up and down just my row to see several people Twittering and checking emails in the last few minutes prior to the beginning of the service. It’s now common during sermons and seminars to see people with their heads down, busy passing on tidbits of information instantly. This morning I read that one million people are following Ashton Kutcher on Twitter.

I suggest that this massive addiction to information leads us away from wisdom, not toward it, creating what author Shane Hill calls “a permanent puberty of the mind.” Recognize that information, knowledge and even intelligence do not necessarily lead to wisdom. The overload of information in fact encourages the opposite of what creates wisdom – stillness, time, reflection and solitude.

With the internet, TV, email, FaceBook, Twitter and cell phones, there is no waiting. There is no such thing as stillness or quiet personal reflection. Meaningful experiences and the path toward wisdom can be diverted by constant information.

I am not anti-technology. I love having instant access to useful information. But this is much like having a bowl of peanut M&Ms in front of me. I tend to eat them just because they are there. At some point I will have to remove myself from the bowl or my initial pleasure will turn to misery and sickness.

And I believe allowing a constant diet of unlimited information and data into our brain will also ultimately turn from being a useful treat to something that will cause our mental lives to become bloated and deprive us of the characteristics we desire most.

We have to decide when to push back from the table of information overload – where it leads to our emotional, social, philosophical, and psychological sickness rather than being a useful addition in our quest for wisdom. I have made strategic decisions to not be on Facebook or use Twitter. Not because they are bad but because I have to chose which tools that I can use effectively.

Increasing the rate of information input to your brain may make you a candidate for Jeopardy but it probably has little to do with increasing spiritual characteristics like love, trust, compassion, faith, courage -- and wisdom.

Want to increase your wisdom?

Practice reflection, meditation and introspective thinking for 30 minutes each morning. Many who allow constant input are keeping themselves in the shallow end of the wisdom pool. Don’t be one of them.

- Turn off the TV for at least two hours every evening

- Read your email at set times during the day – perhaps once in the morning and once in the evening. Don’t allow yourself to be interrupted with every new incoming message

- Spend four hours on Saturday without your cell phone or computer

- Plan one day a quarter on an “information fast.” Get away from your computer, your cell phone, TV and the newspapers. You’ll be amazed at how your creativity will increase – you may get the one idea that will change your future

- Read one good non-fiction book each month. Choose carefully from the wisdom of the ages.

Incidentally, according to a new Nielson report, 60% of Twitter users sign up and drop out after one month. And I seriously doubt that following Ashton Kutcher is going to increase your wisdom.

Dan Miller is today's leading authority and personality on careers and 'Work You LoveTM'. As bestselling author of 48 Days To The Work You Love, and now No More Mondays, Dan reaches over a million people every month ia his newsletter, podcast, and blog with the best trends and opportunities in the workplace and small business. For more information, visit

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Does Your Doctor Recommend Supplements?

What would be your response if results prove that supplements are beneficial to your health?

Does Your Doctor Recommend Supplements?
By Dr. Reginald B. Cherry, M.D.
Christian Post Contributor

A survey shows that 79% of physicians and health care professionals do recommend dietary supplements to their patients. Find out what conditions top their list.

According to a survey of 900 physicians and 300 registered nurses and nurse practitioners in the US, bone, joint and heart health are among the main health conditions for which they recommend dietary supplements to patients. Maintaining overall health and wellness and a healthy cholesterol level also figured highly in the survey.

The top five conditions (by percentage of physicians recommending) were:
• Bone Health 33%
• Overall health and wellness 32%
• Joint health 29%
• Heart health 26%
• Maintain healthy cholesterol 22%

The physicians were not asked to recommend specific supplements in the poll, which was conducted by the Council for Responsible Nutrition. But what do they actually take themselves? 72% of physicians use dietary supplements; of those, 87% used a multivitamin, 78% use vitamin C, 63% use B vitamins, 59% use vitamin D, 58% use vitamin E, and 58% use calcium.

Female physicians are more likely than male physicians to take single vitamins or mineral supplements. They also take more calcium and iron. Male physicians are more likely to take fish oil. They are more likely to cite heart health and maintaining healthy cholesterol as reasons for taking dietary supplements.

Our Pathway to Healing line of supplements has complete, natural products, such as Basic Nutrient Support, Bone Support, Joint Support and Cardiovascular Support, that address the top five conditions mentioned by the physicians. Talk to your doctor about supplements – and maybe you can even recommend one to him/her yourself!

Dr. Reginald B. Cherry ( is a member of the American Medical Association, Texas Medical Association, Harris County Medical Society, and the American College of Preventive Medicine. Dr. Cherry has authored numerous articles on Preventive Medicine, emphasizing nutrition and exercise. He also speaks extensively on these topics nationwide and conducts numerous seminars for various groups and organizations. Currently, his weekly television program reaches 80 million homes.

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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God's Pledge of Faithfulness Deserves Our Faithfulness in Return

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

God's Pledge of Faithfulness Deserves
Our Faithfulness in Return
By Austin Pryor
Sound Mind Investing

Your Father in heaven is committed to you! When you placed your faith in Jesus Christ, it's as if God said:

"My child, I'm going to love you with an everlasting love. I'll constantly be watching over you, and will certainly be sure to provide for your needs. I'll guide your steps through life, and offer you my advice so you can make good decisions.

"As you depend on me, I'll give you strength to endure difficult times. I'll always be listening for you, so you can pray to me whenever you want and I'll hear you. I'll answer your prayers like a loving parent — granting what is good and helpful, and withholding when I have something better.

"I'm going to give you spiritually useful abilities so your life will be productive and purposeful and filled with beautiful moments. And I'm preparing a wonderful place for you in eternity — I have some great plans for our times together!

"You are precious to me, so you can trust my love for you is genuine, and deep, and permanent. I'll never grow tired of you, never abandon you, and never be unfaithful to my promises. Never. In this special relationship of ours, I'll always be true to you. And I want you to always be true to me."

That's reasonable, isn't it? That we would always be true to Him? As Paul asks in Romans 12:1, "When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?"(Living Bible). No, it's not too much to ask.

But we aren't always faithful, are we? To our regret, we have divided affections. We love the Lord, but we also — to varying degrees — love the world. Christians in America are among the top 1% of wealthy people in the history of the world, and we spend almost all of it on ourselves. Surely our self-centeredness and indifference to the people and purposes on God's heart must grieve Him.

It was interesting to me that when, several years ago, we offered John Piper's When I Don't Desire God as a Christmas gift to our Sound Mind Investing readers, we received about twice as many requests as usual. Why this high level of interest? I believe it's because most of us sense that we don't desire God as we should, as He deserves, but we'd like to. For that to happen, as Piper says, "God would have to transform [our hearts] to do what a heart cannot make itself do, namely, want what it ought to want."

We should, therefore, pray. And give God permission to do whatever is needed in our lives to work a change in our hearts so that, more than the things of this life, we want more of Him.

The Westminster Catechism defines prayer as "an offering up of our desires unto God for things agreeable to His will..." What we pray for reveals our desires. If we desire for God to get all the glory possible from our lives, we should pray, among other things, that He make us cheerfully generous people.

As you give more generously, you more fully reflect God's life in you, for God is a giver. You make God happy (2 Corinthians 9:7-8). You testify to His sovereignty in your life and ownership of all that is yours to control (2 Corinthians 8:1-5). You reflect where your treasure is (Matthew 6:19-21). You show your complete trust in Him to supply for your needs (Philippians 4:17-19). You ensure greater spiritual usefulness (Luke 16:11-12). You reap eternal benefits (1 Timothy 6:18-19). And, most importantly, you magnify His glory (2 Corinthians 9:13).

If you're already giving generously, you have my respect and appreciation. If not, I'm trying to encourage you to move decisively in that direction. Under His Spirit's direction, you can increasingly become the kind of cheerful and grateful giver that delights His heart. He's always been faithful to you. By your generosity, you can be increasingly true to Him.

It's not difficult to lay aside earthly wealth when you have God as your treasure. May our prayer be that of the Psalmist:

"O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you.... Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live.... My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." (Psalm 63:1,3,8)

July 29, 2009

© Sound Mind Investing

Published since 1990, Sound Mind Investing is America's best-selling financial newsletter written from a biblical perspective.Visit the Sound Mind Investing website .


Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trusting God when you can’t trace him

So many times you are in a situation and you are looking to find help to get through it and you hear “just trust God” , and your reply “how can I when ….” I know the feeling.

Do you remember when God lead the children of Israel by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night? “21The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. 22The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people”. Exodus 13:21-22 (Amplified Bible)

Well I believe you would agree that they were used as signs to let them know that God was with them. This method was also used for God to let them know when it was time to stay still or time to move.

Obviously the use of their senses played a significant role in them learning how to trust God because they responded according to what they saw.

Let’s look at the word trust:
1. Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
2. Something committed into the care of another; charge.

If you have ever worked a day in your life you definitely have some experience in this. You trusted your employer to pay you at the end of the week so you gave him your time and work. How about trusting in the promise of your parents who said they would give you a specific gift for your birthday or Christmas.

Yes it is easy to trust or rely on God when you see the evidence of a pillar of cloud or fire in your presence. The challenge comes when there is no evidence of him. How do you hold on and keep trusting God when there is no sign of his presence. Nothing to see, nothing to touch, nothing to feel. There’s no trace.

1. To follow the course or trail of.
2. A visible mark, such as a footprint, made or left by the passage of a person, animal, or thing.
3.Evidence or an indication of the former presence or existence of something; a vestige.

I’m sure you would have had experiences where it feels like God is nowhere around. So do you stop, give in throw in the towel and pack up on God and life?

Let’s see what God is doing during these times:

1. Sensitizing your ear to hear his voice. - Is 55:3a
Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live;

2. Strengthening your faith - Rom. 4:20-21
20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform

3. Developing your patience - James 1:3
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

4. Preparing you for his glory - Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Faith is a Verb

Hello again and hope you had a great weekend. Well as you start another week I do hope you have great expectations for something good to happen in your life. Here’s something to remind you that you have to put your faith to work:

Faith is a Verb
by James MacDonald
Walk in the Word

"Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?" And they took offense at him... And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.
Matthew 13:54-58

One time in the Gospels it says that Jesus didn't do much in the town "because of their unbelief" (Matthew 13:58). Wouldn't that be an awful thing to have said about your home, about your family, about you? Jesus couldn't do much in or through you because of you just didn't believe Him. "Lord, why don't You do more in our church?" Could it be because of people's unbelief?

Faith is the key. God's promises are activated by faith. Faith is not passive-it's an action verb. Don't say, "Well, I'm just waiting here. Maybe God will work; maybe He won't." What are you doing about it? Well, not much.

It's like the sick guy who needs to get better, but he doesn't go to the doctor. That's foolishness. You've got to do what you can.

Like the girl who is looking for a husband, but never goes to the Young Adult meetings at church. She just sits down in her basement. "My husband will have to find me here." Yeah, that's not a great plan. Do what you can!

Like the person who's filled with concerns and wants to have hope, but has never read the Bible.

It's God promises that give us hope. How many Scriptural promises do you know? How many promises have you memorized? How many are on the tip of your tongue? Well, no wonder you're filled with anxiety! No wonder you don't have any hope! You're not holding onto anything.

Get your heart around some of the exceedingly great and precious promises of God! Hold on to what God has said in His Word. Someday you're going to be in a difficult situation and the enemy will be try to pull you down but you've got God's Word hidden in your heart. His words will flood you with courage and fill your life with faith.

"God helps those who help themselves" is not in the Bible but it is a biblical concept. Faith has to be active to be real. Remember the guy in 2 Kings 5 who had leprosy and God told him he had to go dip in the river? In faith, he had to do what he could. Like the woman in poverty in 2 Kings 4 who had to collect containers to hold all that oil God was giving her - she did what she could. Like a warrior heading into battle, he has to pick up his weapon.

Put some action behind what you believe and watch God work.
--James MacDonald

Lord, I never want there to be a day that You can't do Your work in me because I just don't believe You. Increase my faith today, Lord. I believe that You are able to make all things are possible. Amen.

Going Deeper:
1. What am I believing God for right now for myself? For my family? For my church?
Are there steps of faith I can take as I wait for Him to work?

2. Are there areas of unbelief in my heart? About what? Talk to the Lord about it today.


Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Issue # 50 - Grabbing Hold of Hidden Opportunities

There is someone that knocks at your door every so often, the sad thing about it is that you do not recognize who he is and what he has come to do. He comes in an attempt to make your life better but you don’t understand how. I hope the story below gives you a helping hand today:

Grabbing Hold of Hidden Opportunities
Dan Miller

The first Avon lady was a man. David H. McConnell was a big city bookseller. In 1892, when the perfume he used to reward loyal customers proved more popular than his paperbacks, he dumped the books and began promoting only the perfumes. McConnell’s next smart move was assembling a workforce composed entirely of housewives.

In contrast to the then prevalent door-to-door salesmen, Avon ladies made friends with their customers and were not the creepy blue-suede-shoe guys that most people expected to see knocking at their doors. By recognizing his true market and how to best relate to his customers, McConnell made a fortune, and so did many of his Avon ladies.

How many businesses do you know of today that continue to do what they’ve always done, even in the face of a changing market? If you sell appliances and a WalMart opens next door, you may find a shrinking opportunity to sell appliances but an exploding market to repair and service them.

If every yard you mow has a tree stump that needs to be removed, you may discover that rather than just being one more yard service, you have a unique opportunity in stump removal.

A couple of years ago, I worked with a gentleman who had been selling fabric to major apparel manufacturers. He observed that any flaw in the fabric rolls caused it to be sold for scrap. He quit his “normal” job, began buying and cutting the scrap fabric into squares to be used as rags. Body shops, auto dealers, and parts stores demanded his product faster than he could produce it. He got a contract with Dollar General to provide the rags packed in plastic bags. He now employs seven neighborhood women to help him stay ahead of this unique opportunity that was right under his nose.

“There is one thing which gives radiance to everything. It is the idea of something around the corner.”
G. K. Chesterton

Our changing work environment is shrinking many of the old business and work opportunities. Even Avon is finding resistance to the knocking on doors model as more and more people purchase on the Internet. But with every change there is the equal seed of new opportunity. The maker of Levi’s was an unsuccessful gold miner who recognized that the other miners needed more durable pants for their digging activities.

From the Bible:

“Open my eyes so that I may see wonderful things in Your law. I am a stranger on earth; do not hide Your commands from me.” Psalm 119: 18-19 (HCSB)

Direction for Today:

Where is the hidden opportunity in the changes being forced on you?

Dan Miller is President of The Business Source, founder of "48 Days" and author of 48 Days To The Work You Love and 48 Days To Creative Income. He is the growing authority for creating effective life plans that are achieved by integrating natural gifts, unique personality traits and one's own values and passions. His unique clarification of how God gifts us will introduce you to a new sense of freedom and fulfillment of your life's calling.

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Issue #49 - Be Active Your Way for Better Health

“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools”
Spanish proverb

I know that the summer temperatures are increasing but let me encourage you to do what is necessary to keep your health in order. Here’s an article I found to aid you in staying active:

Be Active Your Way for Better Health
By Dr. Reginald B. Cherry, M.D.
Christian Post Contributor

The benefits of exercise - from preventing chronic health conditions to boosting confidence and self-esteem - are hard to ignore. And they are yours for the taking, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. But how do you know how much and what kind of exercises provides the benefits?

The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, encourages Americans to "be active your way," with recommended exercise levels among a variety of physical activities. Here are the guidelines:

EXERCISE FOR ADULTS (ages 18 to 64)
Each Week

Do 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-intensity (such as brisk walking) or 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity (such as running) or an equivalent combination of moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity.

These aerobic activities should be done for at least 10 minutes at a time, and it is best to spread them out throughout the week. 30 minutes, five times a week is the most-cited recommendation and meets the Guidelines.

(You can get even more health benefits by increasing to 5 hours/300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity physical activity, or an equivalent combination of both.)

What is moderate? A moderate level of activity noticeably increases your heart rate and breathing rate. You may sweat, but you are still able to carry on a conversation. You can talk, but you can't sing. It needs to be at least 10 minutes of continuous physical activity; an easy walk of less than 10 minutes doesn't count towards your total.

Examples of moderate level activities are brisk walking, easy jogging, walking or jogging on a treadmill, using an elliptical trainer, bike riding, swimming, water aerobics, ballroom or line dancing, softball/baseball, volleyball, doubles tennis, and gardening.

Vigorous physical activity substantially increases your heart rate; you are breathing rapidly, only able to speak in short phrases, and are likely to be sweating. These activities include running, cycling or swimming at an intense level.

2 or More Days a Week

To improve muscular strength and endurance, body composition, and flexibility, a well- rounded program of resistance or strength training is also recommended.

Strength exercises build muscles and increase your metabolism, which helps to keep your weight and blood sugar in check. Strength training exercises have you lift, push or pull to increase muscle strength and endurance. Activities include lifting weights, using resistance bands or resistance machines; chair exercises; carrying laundry or groceries; and washing the car or floors.

General stretching exercises involving the major muscle and tendon groups can also help maintain range-of-motion in joints and overall flexibility. Yoga and tai chi are included in this category.

EXERCISE FOR OLDER ADULTS (ages 65 and older)

• Follow the adult guidelines.
• Do exercises that maintain or improve balance if you are at risk of falls.
• If you have a chronic condition that makes exercise difficult, do as much as you can manage to do and avoid inactivity.

Those over age 65 may need longer periods of time to adapt to an exercise program, but both healthy and frail elderly individuals can make significant increases in strength and muscle mass through resistance and strength training.

By including flexibility training - such as stretching exercises or tai chi - in their exercise programs, elderly adults can offset the naturally occurring muscle and skeletal changes that significantly impair daily life. Flexibility exercises can improve range of motion and function of joints, and can also be key in preventing musculoskeletal injuries.

General Guidelines for Starting

If.... You do not currently engage in regular physical activity should begin by incorporating a few minutes of physical activity into each day, gradually building up to 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity activities.

If....You are now active, but at less than the recommended levels should strive to adopt more consistent activity:
• moderate-intensity physical activity for 30 minutes or more on 5 or more days of the week, or
• vigorous-intensity physical activity for 20 minutes or more on 3 or more days of the week.

If....You currently engage in moderate-intensity activities for at least 30 minutes on 5 or more days of the week, may achieve even greater health benefits by increasing the time spent or intensity of those activities.

If....You currently regularly engage in vigorous-intensity activities 20 minutes or more on 3 or more days of the week, should continue to do so.

If you have a diagnosed chronic condition or symptoms, such as chest pain, dizziness or joint pain consult your doctor about starting an exercise program. In general, especially for those who have musculoskeletal pain or stiffness, some activity is better than no activity.

You can help your body fight disease and stay on the pathway to healing through consistent exercise, as outlined above. The exercise you get, or fail to get, directly affects your body – the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Reginald B. Cherry ( is a member of the American Medical Association, Texas Medical Association, Harris County Medical Society, and the American College of Preventive Medicine. Dr. Cherry has authored numerous articles on Preventive Medicine, emphasizing nutrition and exercise. He also speaks extensively on these topics nationwide and conducts numerous seminars for various groups and organizations. Currently, his weekly television program reaches 80 million homes.

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Issue #48 - Two Couples, Two Ways of Handling Money

I thought you might enjoy this page I found at Check it out:
Cheryl Gochnauer
Danny and Tricia's combined income places them firmly in the upper middle class, so most of us would assume their financial problems are over. Not so. Though they bring in a substantial amount each week, Danny and Tricia have never learned to effectively handle their resources.

Like many couples, Danny and Tricia don't keep close track of where their money is going. They have separate accounts, since each respects the other's right to "their own money." Tricia likes not having to answer to Danny for every penny she spends. Unfortunately, she doesn't answer to herself for every penny she spends, either. Dollars flow into their three checking accounts - hers, his and theirs -- then flow right out again without hanging around long enough to draw interest.

With all the activity in their accounts, Danny and Tricia figure they are doing okay. Bills are usually paid on time, and when the checking account balances disappear, they always have their good credit to draw on. When they receive their charge card statements each month, a fleeting discomfort sets in while reading the multiplying totals. But they've never had a problem making the minimum payments. After all, two more checks are coming in next week.

At least, they assume so.

Tim and Rhonda make half of what Danny and Tricia bring home, and yet are in better financial shape. That's because they regularly do the math to see exactly where they stand, money-wise, using a loose budget that guides their spending decisions without hog-tying them emotionally.

Early in their marriage, Rhonda and Tim pledged to openly discuss all money issues. Together, they planned and identified mutual goals. They use credit sparingly, and postpone big purchases until they can pay cash or at least make significant down payments. That doesn't mean they don't enjoy the occasional financial fling. It's just that those sprees are planned for, not regretted in a resulting 21 percent APR after-glow.

Because they know where the funds are flowing, this couple knew exactly where they could cut when Rhonda decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Budget modifications were minor, since they had never delved into serious debt. Freedom from monetary strangleholds enabled them to make family, not finance, focused choices.

Tim and Rhonda understand the fundamental difference between "wants" and "needs". You can bet this young couple can visualize themselves in the same luxury car their friends drive, and would savor the same 5-star meals and costly vacations that launch Danny and Tricia's account balances into the stratosphere.

Sure, Tim would look great in that car. But the paid-off one he already drives is dependable and economical. Yes, Rhonda needs a new outfit. But is she really getting twice as much quality by spending $100 on that dress, instead of $50? And though a special meal is nice every once in a while, how often should they spend $40 for dinners they could fix at home for $7?

Free-spiritedly riding the financial wave from week to week is both risky and restrictive. The most glaring potential peril is losing everything due to an unforeseen layoff or illness. But it isn't a prospective catastrophe that poses the most danger to a couple's emotional bottom line. Instead, it's the strain accompanying financial uncertainty and consistently living beyond their means.

To positively approach marital money management:

* Review finances together.
* Agree on spending priorities.
* Identify mutual goals.
* Make a budget.
* Regularly review the budget, tweaking it to reflect your current situation.
* Stay in tune financially with your partner.

It'll nurture the kind of money-handling relationship you each want and need.

Cheryl is the COO of the Gochnauer family, the captain of a cottage-writing industry and the author of So You Want to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom (IVP). Copyright 2000 Cheryl Gochnauer

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Issue # 47 - God’s thermometer & the worlds’ thermostat

“The only people who can change the world are people who want to. And not everybody does”
Hugh Macleod

There are many different environments and situations you end up in on a daily basis. From these environments you will either bring change or be changed. In order to please people you often adopt to their mold or liking. How do you test this? When you search your heart are you comfortable or did you do it to try fit in?

Today’s subject matter deals with two pieces of instruments with different functions, the thermometer and the thermostat.

The thermometer is used to tell the temperature of the environment or atmosphere it is put in. When you put this instrument in a room of 70° this will show up on the thermometer telling the temperature of the room.

On the other hand the thermostat when put in place causes the room to change to its setting. If you set the thermostat to 80° then the room will adjust to that temperature.

You and I can function in the form of both of these instruments. How do you know which one is appropriate for the place you are in? Glad you brought that up. First and foremost you were made to resemble God “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:” Genesis 1:26a (KJV). Therefore it is more appropriate for you to be God’s thermometer.

When you get in the presence of God you will absorb his climate. There’s no need to rush out of the room because God’s climate will give you the right setting for your life.

It is in his presence when things that do not belong in your life are removed. Only things that are from God are able to survive in his environment. This is why the enemy (the devil) will put up a fight and try to stop you from getting there. A moment with God can make a major difference in you life.

This prepares you for what’s next. When you would have received the right setting for your life then you are ready to change or set the atmosphere for the environments that you go into. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”. Matthew 5:16 (KJV)

You have now been empowered to bring light into the darkness of someone’s life. Imagine bringing a smile to a parent by giving them hope to know that their child is going to make it through their moment of sickness. How about helping someone know that they are special and God has a purpose for them being here.

Regardless of the size of the impact you make in someone’s life always remember that a little help to someone in need can always go a long way.

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Read more!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Issue # 46 - Surviving your fight (pt. 2)

Last week we started this article on “Surviving your fight”. We ended on the matter if you stick with God you can survive in any fight you enter. Glad to have you back again for the continuation.

Before we go any further, what does it mean to survive? Survive- to remain alive or in existence; outlive; persevere:

Anytime you hear about a fight or a war you also hear about casualties. It’s time now for God’s people to stop becoming casualties, P.O.W. and victims to Victors. I am not asking you if you like to fight, you better fight if you want to survive.

How did we get here? “7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” . Revelation 12:7-12 (KJV)

From then to now we were in a war zone. Take a look at a number of the movies, TV shows, cartoons, songs and the likes, they generally fall along these lines of good vs. evil. This leaves you with the choice who’s side will you be on?

Are you fit for this fight? There is always help available if you need it. “Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:” Psalm 144:1 (KJV)

You have an assignment in this battle and you need to know what it is or you’ll be out of place. When you are out of place you can be responsible for causing trouble in the camp. You can also make it hard for everyone else.

You must also be aware that in every army you have traitors, betrayers., people who sell out to the enemy setting you up for the kill. Not all of the attacks come from the outside, many come from friendly fire. When you taught you were safe, now you need eyes in the back of your head cause you don’t know who to trust.

To survive this fight you need to:

1. Know your enemy - (I Peter 5:8) Your adversary is the devil and you must treat him like that.

2. Communicate with the chief - (2 Chronicles 20:3;Ephesians 6:18) You have to stay in connection (pray)with headquarters.

3. Hear & follow instructions - (2 Chronicles 20:15-20) the instructions that are handed down are the plans and strategy of the chief. What chief doesn’t plan his attack or retaliation?(Luke 14:31) When you rebel you jeopardize your life and others.

4. Believe - (2 Chronicles 20:20) You will have a hard time if you don’t believe in the chief and his appointed officers. Other people who don’t believe will always try to stop you from going forward. Faith takes you forward.

Finally, I do encourage you to have enduring faith that will give you the edge over the enemy.

Take care until…......and God Bless ya

Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen. Read more!