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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Conquest to Victory

Hey there, you are now a few days into 2012 and I want to know if you have decided where you are going? This is very crucial if you are going to win in this year. It is pointless to just hope for the best. You must have an idea of what the best is and where to find it.

How are you going to get to a destination if you haven’t decided on where you want to go? If you just want to go for a ride then the devil will send one of his agents to assist you. So being specific is the better way. In order to hit your target you must first aim at it.

All the best to you on your ventures this year and beyond. May the road you take lead you to God’s destiny for you.

Here is a quick devotional for your inspirational reading:

Conquest to Victory

"And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly"
(Romans 16:20).

This promise follows well upon that of last week. We are
evidently to be conformed to our covenant Head, not only in His
being bruised in His heel but in His conquest of the evil one.
Even under our feet is the old dragon to be bruised.

The Roman believers were grieved with strife in the church; but
their God was "the God of peace" and gave them rest of soul. The
archenemy tripped up the feet of the unwary and deceived the
hearts of the simple; but he was to get the worst of it and to be
trodden down by those whom he had troubled.

This victory would not come to the people of God through their
own skill or power; but God Himself would bruise Satan. Though it
would be under their feet, yet the bruising would be of the LORD

Let us bravely tread upon the tempter! Not only inferior spirits
but the prince of darkness himself must go down before us. In
unquestioning confidence in God let us look for speedy victory.
"Shortly." Happy word! Shortly we shall set our foot on the old
serpent! What a joy to crush evil! What dishonor to Satan to have
his head bruised by human feet! Let us by faith in Jesus tread
the tempter down.

(Daily Devotional)
by C. H. Spurgeon

Take care until…......and God Bless ya
Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:

Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

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