Who am I?
a) Moses b) Ramses c) Absalom d) Saul
If you have criminals plotting to get a hold of this, then it has to be worth much. No one is going to waste time going after something that is not valuable or beneficial. They watch what you do, where you go and try to find out as much as they can about you. Warning - don’t let them steal your 'I' . Do you see what 'I' see? Do you see what they see? I’m talking about your 'identity'.
Identity :
- name, individuality, distinctness of character, personal uniqueness.
- The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable:
“You have your identity when you find out, not what you can keep your mind on, but what you can't keep your mind off”
Archie R. Ammons
Where is your ID ?

The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 9 million Americans are victims of ID theft each year. Identity theft strikes 1 in 8 adults. Identity theft is a significant problem that is on the rise. It is affecting millions of consumers and costing billions of dollars.
Do you really know who you are? How close or far are you from who you were created to be. I must confess though, it can take a lifetime to fully discover who you are. When you don’t know who you are then it’s hard to carry out your purpose. That is why most people live unfulfilled lives.
Have you found yourself at times wanting to be someone else? What is it that caused you to think that way? Is it their personality? Their fame & popularity? Their riches? Now don’t you believe that God can make your life as attractive as theirs?
If you don’t come into your identity then I hope you realize that you rob the rest of us that are in the world. How? By withholding the things that God has deposited in you for us. I told you that you were valuable.
Who am I ?
You have come from the line of limited additions. Where there is only one. One God, one you, one me… and everyone else? Still one of each. There is more to who you are than what you eat, drink, wear, & drive.
Abraham found out his identity from God. “5Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee”. Genesis 17:5-6 (KJV) So did Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Jeremiah, Paul, The 12 Disciples etc… If all of these men found their identity from God then why are we trying to go to other sources?
What is the greatest misconception about you? Can you effectively communicate who you are to others? Are people walking away from you classing you as something you are not?
What do you do when someone has put the wrong label on you? You can’t just accept it cause it will have an effect on your destination.
Let’s say your traveling to Orlando to meet up with friends on vacation today. Only thing is you have a connecting flight through Texas. You arrive at the check-in counter for your flight. You hand over your bag that has an ID tag to be checked and labeled. Some very important valuable items are inside. You receive your gate pass and proceed to your flight gate.
You are now in Orlando and standing at the baggage claim station. Moments pass by and everyone else has received their luggage. You stand there waiting but that’s it, there are no more bags. This must be a mistake because you had your bag checked in. You end up making a report to baggage claims office.
Thirty minutes later you found out your bag was found in Texas which is good news to you. It will be much better if it was in your possession though. So you decide to do something to occupy your time until your bag arrives.
My friend, it only goes to show you that if you don’t have the right label on you then you can’t end up at the right destination. You must know your identity and only accept labels that are from God.
You were made in the image of God, you are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath. Your identity is precious to God so please make sure it is precious to you. If there is a problem don’t forget you can always ask God ‘Who Am I?’.
Products to help find your ID:
Game of the week
Play Who am I? Animals
Coming next week: The series continues…letter 'J'
Take care until…......and God Bless ya
Are you ready to face eternity? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life and desire to make that commitment now please repeat the following prayer:
Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I realize that I have sinned against you and come
short of your glory. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. I pray for your forgiveness and ask that you save me now and accept me into your kingdom. Give me eternal life today.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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